I came across the most wonderful vintage shop the other day and wanted to share! The lovely shop is Hello Victory on Etsy. Don't you just love the name? After snooping around her profile I see she has already been mentioned on some major blogs including decor8, so I don't know why on earth I had not hearted her yet. And to top it off she is located in Northern Minnesota where I grew up! Our hockey teams were actually rivals. But we are grown ups and I think we can be friends now, right Kate? I covet many, many items in her shop including...
this lovely pink hairdryer would be a gorgeous display in a girlie room

how about this cutesy party decor for a little one's big day?

I'd love a little company from this guy on my desk, might just make my office day job tolerable

and last but certainly not least, a little mouse. Can he come live at my house please?
Seriously, where does she find these treasures??? I would like to know. For those who can't wait to see what is added next to the shop, visit the Hello Victory blog.
Don't her photos show just how stylish vintage can be? I'm inspired to map out some sales for a treasure hunt one of these upcoming weekends. Anyone else? My husband has not learned to appreciate how much fun my weekend treasure hunts can be. Like the time there was this terrific estate sale down the block form us and I figured I could easily walk back any purchase I made. I ended up with a whole trash bag full of vintage fabrics and could hardly handle walking back home. Some people drove by and laughed at my bag lady self, but I kept smiling about my treasures. My husband on the other hand wanted to get me in the house ASAP so the neighbors wouldn't see the true bag lady treasure hunter I am.
If you don't have time to treasure hunt this weekend, be sure to head on over to Hello Victory and check out her shop treasures. Happy treasure hunting to all and to all a great weekend! Jamie
images by Hello Victory